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Pinterest | – Free And Paid Pinterest Marketing Resources


Pinned on 06/16/2017 at 7:24 am by owner


Drives more website referral traffic than Twitter, LinkedIn, Reddit, and Google combined. Market your business, train your team and drive sales. Or market yourself and your hobbies that could become a business. Within 6 laminated pages, our author and Pinterest guru covers all aspects of creating an active account whether for your company or yourself.

Suggested uses:
o Training – train your marketing team to use Pinterest with one quick and easy guide to improve or begin driving more traffic to your business
o Sales – referral purchases for the 2014 holidays from Pinterest averaged about $100 per order – higher than any other social media
o Yourself – create the ultimate bulletin board for family, hobbies, DIY projects, and use the power of Pinterest to connect with people, share and make friends


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